JBP fever dream

By Mike0410 - 24/06/2024 17:00 - Romania - Alba Iulia

Today, I went for a picnic by the river in the forest with my grandma. I forgot to bring a swimsuit, and wasn't wearing any underwear either, so she just made me go naked. I got caught fully naked by some dirt bikers when I went to find a spot to pee. My grandma just laughed, really hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 304
You deserved it 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's honestly some alarming behavior from her. also that'd be so embarrassing! I'm sorry :( but there's no way I would of done it, hope you're doing well.


that's honestly some alarming behavior from her. also that'd be so embarrassing! I'm sorry :( but there's no way I would of done it, hope you're doing well.