Joe Smooth move

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was in school when I spotted my girlfriend in the hallway. I wanted to be all romantic and grab her like guys do in movies. I grabbed her wrist forcefully and pulled her out of the crowd. As I quickly leaned in to kiss her, I broke her nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 518
You deserved it 38 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHA. Fail. At least you were TRYING to do something sweet... I bet she would rather you didn't now.. You better do something extra romantic to make up for that, that doesn't involve hurting her.....

that's sounds more like a wrestling move than a romantic move.


Twi_lover_EC 6

Well, not to long ago my car decided to blow up. And my FML didn't make it through. Glad to know this one did.

You're not even 16. Plus, you're a Twitard.

Twi_lover_EC 6

**** you. Family car whatever. It stilll f-ing sucked.

u better be paying the medical bill! ur a moron never do things that happen in movies

Okay, what gave you the idea in the first place?

That must have been one good head butt to break someones nose. Bit to agressive or is her nose obnoxiously big and just gets in the way of everything.

nom_ur_faces 0

this might seem extremely rude but ur an ugly fatass with elephant hips. lol


natedog193 0

@#133 nah it's not rude at all...dumbass

Today, I was in school and spotted my girlfriend in the hallway. I wanted to be all romantic and physically abuse her like guys do in movies. I grabbed her wrist forcefully and pulled her out of the crowd. As I quickly leaned in to headbutt her I broke her nose. Imma violent person yeyy

xoluvinshayxo 0

wth?? this isn't dirty dancing. just be lucky she didn't set your car in reverse to roll down a hill, as you cradle in the corner.. :/

NikAero 0