Joe Smooth move

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was in school when I spotted my girlfriend in the hallway. I wanted to be all romantic and grab her like guys do in movies. I grabbed her wrist forcefully and pulled her out of the crowd. As I quickly leaned in to kiss her, I broke her nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 518
You deserved it 38 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHA. Fail. At least you were TRYING to do something sweet... I bet she would rather you didn't now.. You better do something extra romantic to make up for that, that doesn't involve hurting her.....

that's sounds more like a wrestling move than a romantic move.


AbOvE_88 0

u totally deserved it, for trying to be all romantic and stuff. Don't you know movies are fake! You are just dumb!

facingforeverr 0

umm no..wipe the blood away? he just broke her ******* nose....she was prolly flippin out..nd i bet at that second, she didnt give a shit who payed for the surgery

You mean ex-girlfriend. Ha ha, you so deserved it.