
By Chelsea - 21/04/2009 05:20 - United States

Today, my mom made me clean. I was dusting in the living room and heard gunshots outside the apartment. I dove on the floor and started crying and screaming. My mom walked in and informed me that the sound was her making popcorn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 695
You deserved it 71 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gunshots =/= popcorn Come out the country. I'll show you what gunshots sound like


Orlinda 2

SHE IS SOOO WHIITE!!!like please get a life!

wtf... this has to be fake... and your a moron...

you started your comment with "today my mom made me clean" You poor thing, that you have to actually do something around the house. Mistaking popcorn for gunfire, you have lived a sheltered life. YDI you spoilt brat

Well, I guess I can understand people diving to the floor for a moment. People used to do that at school when my friend's car backfired. But instantly crying and screaming? Get a grip. Seek out some counseling.

"there weren't people shooting guns around my house. FML." what?

car backfire, yes. popcorn, no. I agree with #73. Epic Fail

suckstobeyou3 0

You must have a hell of a time on the 4th of July.

blankslate 0

You must have some really sensitive ears.

fyl. your mom was making you clean while she sits around eating popcorn? bitch.