Just dependa things

By wookieewhosshe - 28/09/2022 09:00

Today, my fiancé left for a 6-month deployment overseas. I waved him away, came back inside alone, and cried. I know this is what I signed up for, but the cat could've shown more sympathy than staring at me and walking away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 080
You deserved it 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It looks like you didn't know what you signed up for when you got a cat. Empathy is not in their wheelhouse.

Nikki 17

Signing up for it doesn’t make it easy


Nikki 17

Signing up for it doesn’t make it easy

It looks like you didn't know what you signed up for when you got a cat. Empathy is not in their wheelhouse.

Vesi 29

From one Army wife to another.. I know.. I get it. for what it's worth, it does get a little easier each time. For whoever came up with that title.. shame on you. The word "dependa(potamus)" refers to people who married into military for the benefits only, not for the reality of loving someone that happened to be in the military. For those of us that married for love, this is one of the hardest things to deal with.

Schm17ty 1

Time to join a book club or hiking group, preferably with other Armed Services significant others so you can cope together. I recommend cuddle parties (with TRUSTED friends) for the physical closeness void. Thank you to your fiancé and family for your sacrifices.