By copenhagen20 - 05/03/2010 20:21 - United States
Same thing different taste
You're in the army now
By Crud - 06/02/2010 05:09 - United States
The single life
By Anonymous - 14/09/2021 22:00 - United Arab Emirates - Dubai
Thank you for your service
By Anonymous - 07/10/2009 18:23 - United States
Just dependa things
By wookieewhosshe - 28/09/2022 09:00
Nice welcome
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
Unconditional support
By anon - 16/12/2019 03:00 - United States - Hinesville
By saywhat - 26/01/2009 15:51 - United States
By blasted - 25/11/2009 13:56 - United States
Really struggling, huh?
By Anonymous - 27/09/2023 10:00
Long distance
By singlesailor - 19/09/2009 06:18 - United States
Top comments
It is vaguely familiar. There must be a lot of bitches out there dumping their servicemen. Why did you have to re-enlist to get an assignment closer to home? Why would you anyway since you'll be home in a few months? Is that why she dumped you? Just curious. FYL and good luck.
haha u fool she is riding on a ragheads crock!!!
yeah my uncle is going in to be a field medic wich is one of the worst jobs you can be i hope his wife of a couple months stays faithful to him...
you know. **** you ass hole. you don't know shit and you are probly a fat ass who sucks his own dick and complains about the war but doesn't do anything about it. ****** block head
bein a medic doesn't suck I love it best job there is
it doesn't matter if there is a popular war or not. we have no choice on where we go. we go, we fight, we die. our blood gets spilled for ungrateful bitches like you. how about showin a bit of respect. we watch our brothers die in our arms. u think we agree with the war **** no. but we do it cuz we r told to. and because we will take the burden for others. so what i'm trying to say is stfu.
#98 You have not died, you are not watching anyone die, and you are not fighting. All you are doing is bitching on fmylife. You as an american are doing nothing to help anything nor anyone in Iraq, you are are doing nothing more than fueling a spitefull country and a corrupt government. You are holding a burden no one needs to have.
Kill her.
Dumped you over the phone while you're deployed? What a bitch.
@41 YES
aww man that sucks!! I feel for ya, really, I do
wow this could be a good movie, I think I would call it dear john........NAHHHH, nice fake.
Or I suppose you could just mod the guy so I can't respond.
How do people think OP deserved this??
Tell your fellow marines to rape her.
Wow... I woulda... let's not say what I would do...
awe that does suck.. some people can't handle being away from someone they love though... so I kind of understand.. butt awe.
I'm sure I would experience intense "butt awe" if I was seeing yours...
hahaha #15.
sugfestive grammar failure ftw. OP, your life sucks and i'm sorry for you.
What the hell is a deployment mama?
Sad but probably true. It is shamefull how unfaithfull to our service men and women their significant others can be during deployments. Although it does happen on the other side of the ocean as well.

awww dude this sucks :( ive brothers in the military its not easy being away from loved one.. but if she couldnt wait a year for you she aint worth the rest of your years
what a bitch