Just pish yerself

By Casey - 14/10/2010 18:20 - United States

Today, I realized it is now considered normal and routine that my boyfriend wets the bed after a night of drinking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 957
You deserved it 4 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xicano 0

make his ass sleep in the bathtub

BahahahLOL 0

If it's white and slimy, it's not pee... It's mayonnaise.


it isn't normal! it's ******* gross and yeah I think he has a drinking and bed wetting problem. you deserve it and more if u stay

He can sleep on the couch after a night drinking then, he can clean it up afterwards!

Karsin 5

I'm probably not the first to say this, but your life does indeed suck, but you do deserve it. Should have gotten a new boyfriend at some point before it became 'normal AND routine' for that particular occurrence.

If he's a heavy sleeper he could just be having issues waking up. I've had patients that had minor sleep disorders that intensified with alcohol, where their body has a much harder time waking up once asleep, even to go to the bathroom. And after all the liquid he's consumed his bladder will only hold for so long. You should have him see a doctor.

Dump him or it will become normal and routine. Go to AlAnon. Please...

Kevin214 1

Oh hell no! Leave that stupid bum pissing in the bed and shit. Time to go!

If he won't stop drinking make him sleep in the bath. I have an ex who used to sleepwalk/urinate after a night out- not every time though!

I feel like he has a problem if he won't/can't stop drinking himself to incontinence. once or twice is funny. regularly is sad and worrying and uncomfortable

My boyfriend does the same thing!! Then is to tired after work to do laundry! ugh!