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By ElleSavage - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff

Today, I finally found a dress I'd been missing for months. It was in a casket, on my recently deceased cousin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 560
You deserved it 335

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Well, I hope it wasn't expensive, because you're definitely not getting it back now :/


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Girl, the only one that needs help is you. This is a little app and you sound so angry. Relax, you're acting like you're the dead cousin.

haha wtf? clearly it has nothing to do with he cousins death, but that obviously no one asked her and its in a situation where she cant get it back. what is wrong with you

blightsight 10

Do you really think the cousin decided to wear that to her funeral?

Emma Marshall 19

How is she dogging her cousin lol

One would think that death of a cousin should be a bigger concern than a dress. Priorities, eh?

I don't like many of my cousins so, a dress would be a bigger deal.

Well, I hope it wasn't expensive, because you're definitely not getting it back now :/

With time and a good shovel anything is possible.

But they have to ask themselves is it really worth all that effort? lol

Zekfen 17

You should demand it back. It’s not like she needs it....

Justin Allan Bannister 9

to put a dresser clothing on a dead body they have to cut the back of the dress. they wrap the clothes around their legs and stuff it's not the ability to get the dress back LOL. And who wants address back after it's been on a dead body?

tiptoppc 19

Someone who is spiteful enough to the dead party. There’s a few people in my life I wouldn’t hesitate to rip my property off in spite if I found they tried to take it to the grave. Depending on level of spitefulness, I’d even desecrate the corpse and piss on the grave. A few of my family members come to mind

manb91uk 22

I assume this dress is not a one of a kind and completely Irreplaceable versace or something? I'm pretty sure you can't begrudge your cousin in this instance..

I’ll bet that dress was... wait on it... keep waiting... to die for!!

It was a long standing custom amongst many civilizations that people would take clothing off dead folks, not to be rude but because the dead no longer needed it, and they still did. But that’s not really practiced anymore. And, are you really going to lift your dead cousin up to pull that dress off her right in front of everyone? I don’t think so.

There you go, just take it back. Not like she's in a position to stop you.