Leave me alone

By MIB - 13/07/2011 16:26 - United States

Today, I awoke to banging at my door. It was my neighbor, accusing me of stealing her mail to spy on her, because apparently she thinks I must be some sort of secret agent. The cops don't believe me when I call, and she won't go away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 735
You deserved it 2 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her that she's blown your cover and that you're going to have to kill her

denvan 0

Tell her the aliens are coming for her


iEats 1

she sounds like a schizophrenic, tell her to see a doctor about it

If you know any of your neighbor's family members, you need to let them know what she's saying and doing. Also go to the police and file a report personally. Let them know that you think she's untreated paranoid schizophrenic, and that you're concerned. Please be very, very careful and don't do any of the funny things that people have written. Don't look at her, don't eat or drink anything she gives you, and don't ever leave your home or car unlocked. My sister ended up getting an apartment because the girl who lived there before her was an untreated paranoid schizophrenic, and she ended up killing someone in the building who was her friend up until that point. Her delusions or whatever took her over and she didn't know that what she was thinking wasn't real. Her friend knew she was acting strangely, but didn't heed the warning signs and then it was too late. Please be careful and good luck. (If I were you, I'd move as soon as possible, but that's me.) And just for the record, treated schizophrenia is very different from untreated paranoid schizophrenia, so that's why I'm saying for the OP to run.

Tell her to leave or you will use the patriot act on her and send her to guanko

whats scary is she probably actually did something that has her paranoid that someone is watching her. lolololol

qtns0cal 0

call the local psych hospital maybe they will care

call back the cops and say never mind, I shot her, then hang up. LOL

dress up like men in black. every time she comes close wisper into your sleeve loud enough so she can hear. * ok. ok. end transmition she can hear us now. over and out*

Bludmagnus 13

This is the result of allowing liberals to force us to accept crazy people as "normal". The woman should be locked up in a wacko basket and never let out.