Leave me alone

By MIB - 13/07/2011 16:26 - United States

Today, I awoke to banging at my door. It was my neighbor, accusing me of stealing her mail to spy on her, because apparently she thinks I must be some sort of secret agent. The cops don't believe me when I call, and she won't go away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 735
You deserved it 2 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her that she's blown your cover and that you're going to have to kill her

denvan 0

Tell her the aliens are coming for her


lmaoatall 6

I think she wants to shag Austin. show her your mini-me. or is it... fat bastard?!?!?

LIES! She just wants to steal your mojo!

Carissa3789 2
revenge93_fml 0

this doesn't make any sense .....

Why would she have to worry about spies unless she's doing something bad? She's clearly a terrorist.

well when she knocks just knock back. she might think u are just as crazy as her

Ahahahahaha that's funny! *knock knock knock* PENNY, *knock knock knock* PENNY, *knock knock knock* PENNY :D

creep around her house and hum the pink Panther theme song

leave her a note on the door explaining how deep into espionage you are, and at the bottom say It will self destruct in 30 seconds.

Some of the best comments ever! thanks lol