Leave me alone

By re2K5 - 25/07/2009 16:39 - Korea Republic of

Today, I passed a homeless person asking for change. When I politely apologized and told him that I had none, he yelled angrily, "Who comes to this city without money?" I replied, "Apparently, you do." Wrong answer. He followed me, now screaming. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 196
You deserved it 28 652

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I applaud your snappy comeback! I bet I'd have said the same thing, I mean, what right does a homeless man have to complain about people having no money to give him?

Dashiell 0

I heard that homeless people in prime locations can make up to $50,000 a year.


Next time, be ready for hobos by carrying a knife. Hobo: "Got any change?" You: "Yep!" *stab them in the chest* "Changing the streets for the better!"

You can stab half the homeless and hire the other half as clean up crews. Problem solved!

I sorta can't wait to use this one! Now the next batch of waywards are gonna get denied JUST so I can do this...

shighappens 0

That was really funny!! YDI though.

You didn't deserve that at all. I can't tell you how many times I have given a homeless person money and then they complain that it's not enough, or I tell them I don't have any money and they get pissed off. The situation they're in sucks, but that gives them no right to harass people, plus, if you're a nice hobo, you'll get more money. It's simple. Go you for standing up for yourself. That guy was an ass hole.

aceofspades6528 0

ahaahahahaa! That is so funny! I Love that response, quick wit! kudos to you ;)

Dixie_Normous 0

This is what happens when you try being polite to a homeless person. Next time tell him to **** off. YDI.

Well played, sir! Epic comeback. Also, props for actually replying to comments.

this has got to be the millionth "I said something mean to a hobo and then he followed me" fml. sheesh