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By dating a fucking psycho - 14/02/2013 20:06 - United States - Hickory

Today, I tried to give some change to a homeless man. My girlfriend pulled me away and ranted about how homeless people are all basically bastards who deserve their misfortune, and that I shouldn't give "our" money away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 921
You deserved it 6 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fldlshrhxirfue 3

I just hope that in 20 years she's homeless and begging you for money. Hey, if the breakup goes bad, you can use this against her.


perdix 29

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Based on OP's username he seems to be thinking psycho.

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zombieslayer83 19

I'm a Republican, and I don't think all homeless people are bastards..... Just like 90% of them. ;)

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I'm a republican and I laughed at that comment. If you can't laugh at yourself, then you lead a sad sad life (also not all republicans view homeless people that way, myself included).

mangoboy1 19

Or a gold digger who wants all of his,correction "their/our" money for herself

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It's a better idea to give them food or blankets. She can't save ALL the food.

@41, he has been buried on at least one occasion.

Perdix gets buried on a very frequent basis lol It's why we adore him. :D

zombieslayer83 19

#6, Who got persecuted? Most "douches" don't go to websites like FML because of political views. LAME!

I'm a strong conservative, but I enjoy helping the homeless. In fact, I'm working a Soup Kitchen this Sunday. It's just the nutjob, racist rednecks who have those opinions.

Wow! One cool joke, and look how much hate it digs up. I don't think this site has any political leanings at all, except that some commenters try to give it one. Humor is to enjoyed, regardless.

Mister_Triangle 21

I wouldn't be so sure about that; it's the democrats who are big on '"sharing" other people's money...except when it comes to people they don't like.

LiterOfCola 16

62: This site doesn't advertise political views directly, but it's clear that a lot of the commenters identify themselves as liberal. I actually find it ironic often times, because the commenters are conservative with which comments are thumbed up/down, even with jokes, yet whenever political views come up it appears a large majority identify themselves as liberal nonetheless. I think a lot of people just don't actually know how to identify themselves politically.

JokerJim2013 14

I'll agree that she may have been a Republican, if you agree the man was most likely homeless because of the Democrats.

zombieslayer83 19

If we just must talk about politics here, and why most here are liberal, it seems the average age is college age, and college is usually a great place to be liberal. You can say anything you want, as long as it's liberal, and most everyone agrees. A few have been in the real world, but most are experiencing a new freedom away from home, with none of the rules, but all the luxuries, so conserving is still a foreign concept. I say let the the kids enjoy it while it lasts, because once you're on your own, and once you see what politicians do with the money YOU earn, everything changes.

blackman100 20

I like that comment. It was funny because it implied that Republicans are stupid.

Ha! Is something wrong with my computer, or did all the comments under this get removed?

IworkAt711 14

133-Are you really commenting on an FML 10 months after it was posted? Of course, I realize it seems dumb that I would do the same but.... Whatever, nobody is going to see this.

I just hope that in 20 years she's homeless and begging you for money. Hey, if the breakup goes bad, you can use this against her.

You still shouldn't wish homelessness and poverty on someone, no matter what...

egc573 40

Plus, wishing she joins the homeless is an insult to homeless people.

Sitting around and begging for money is a choice. There are government programs to help the homeless get jobs.

I don't wish homelessness or poverty on that bitch... I wish death.

Being homeless isn't a choice, what if they're from an area that doesn't help as much as another area. There are some places here, but people won't hire you if you don't have an address or if you smell bad. It can be really hard to get back on your feet after falling so far down to the point of homelessness.

TcheQ 12

How very christian of you. Literally. Wishing ill on others who don't believe the same as you do.

She has a small point, but not enough to deny them your change. He should try to get a job, but thats no reason to not give him a dollar or two.

3-maybe the homeless guy can't get a job. You have no idea how hard or little he tries.

Yeah, you cannot hold a well-paying job without owning property.

Or he's mentally disabled, physically disabled, or a drug addict, none of the above deserve poverty.

Drug addict kind of does. They made the choice to use drugs. Also, if they are just a drug addict, then they will just spend the money you give them on drugs.

Easy for you to say. You have no idea how hard the real life can be. He probably had it a lot harder than your sheltered ass.

So your life is bad, you decide to go spend the little money you have on drugs, and then we are supposed to feel bad for you when your life ends up going downhill?

3- what if he is looking for a job but can't find one? You don't know what they're going through.

Satoaoi 13

get a job how hmm. no money no education no car no family probably. I don't see how he can try anything pertaining to a job

37- No, I hear of lots of people turning their backs on their drinks, allowing a dealer to spike the drink. I know of at least one drug that only takes one use for addicition. They fall in the cycle. Trying to get out, but there is to much temptation. So no, it's not always their fault.

#3 didn't say she was 100% right, but that she had a small point, which I agree with. I am a police officer in a very large city, and we had a homeless shelter. I have felt bad for 2 or 3 homeless people in my entire career, because the majority of them smoke weed and drink their lives away. Some of them even have crack on em... It's sad to say, but a lot of them enjoy the lifestyle. They could turn their lives around if they would stop committing crimes and clean up their act.

RicanGata91 7

#91 get a clue you probably had a healthy good life leaving you to make all the right choices but like 83 said its not always their fault so dig ur pig head out ur ass and care for someone other than the well off! I was homeless when I was pregnant it was horrible!, I've always lived with my sister but shes a druggy,very disrespectful,cheating,take advantage of others type of person so I went to another state with my fiancé that was in the Army to find out I couldn't stay with him but for too weeks,we was gonna get married but just wasn't time. I begged for money once...I cried standing out there with a sign!,it's embarrassing

RicanGata91 7

#91 get a clue you probably had a healthy good life leaving you to make all the right choices but like 83 said its not always their fault so dig ur pig head out ur ass and care for someone other than the well off! I was homeless when I was pregnant it was horrible!, I've always lived with my sister but shes a druggy,very disrespectful,cheating,take advantage of others type of person so I went to another state with my fiancé that was in the Army to find out I couldn't stay with him but for too weeks,we was gonna get married but just wasn't time. I begged for money once...I cried standing out there with a sign!,it's embarrassing

cryssycakesx3 22

you can always make up an address for a job.

My parents have been married almost 40 years. They still have separate bank accounts. Some joint, but they have their own accounts to do what they want with. Partner of eight years and I have the same setup - one joint checking and savings account, then all other accounts are our own.

fldlshrhxirfue 3
shaww 28

OP you should have given him the money and said "not if your a democrat" ...

We don't know how long they have been dating for... what if they have been dating for only a month?? That sure would be some psycho saying "our money".. OP run man! Run!!

Wow a lot of bleeding heart liberals on here. This is why our country will be bankrupt and overthrown like Russia was. Thanks a lot losers. :(

There was a survey of the "homeless" beggars done outside of a Walmart in Coos Bay, Oregon that found that the people doing the begging made 6 times as much money as the people working inside the Walmart. Save your money, OP, conservative or liberal it don't matter. The homeless beggars probably make more than you do.

Yeah because they would still live as they do if that was the case... I don't know about the USA but here during the winter some of them even die. But you must be right, they probably earn more than all of us here.

I believe homeless was in quotes to show these particular beggars weren't really homeless and were just acting like they are to get more money.

In some areas there are 'professional' beggars who, at the end of the day, pick themselves up and go home to their family in their warm comfy houses. Apparently it's quite common in China. There's also people with no family whose live-in girlfriend moved her new boyfriend into the apartment, emptied the bank account and changed the locks, thus making her now-ex boyfriend homeless. There are also families with small children who're made homeless because the person they were renting the house from wasn't using the rent to pay bills and the house was being repossessed, also making them homeless. People are homeless for many reasons, you can't 'tar them with the same brush'.

Mister_Triangle 21

People who are truly homeless don't need to beg for money. In every state there are more-than-adequate support networks in place to help people in need. there's plenty of shelter and food opportunities. The people begging for money on street corners are doing it for other reasons. Usually drugs or alcohol.

78, finally someone that gets it. I was beginning to think there was no hope... "Poor homeless man on the corner! Omgoodness!"

Sorry, but you're delusional if you think there's enough homeless support around. Shelters fill up, food, supports and funds run out...especially in the winter. People do get turned away.

Way to contribute favorably to society. The man in The Pursuit of Happyness was spurred on by the generosity of others such as yourself.