Leave us alone

By SweethomeAlabama - 01/06/2021 01:00 - Turkey - Konya

Today, a customer asked me if I was my husband's sister. A little flabbergasted, I replied, "No, I'm his wife." He went on to say, "Ah! But surely, you're related? Cousins?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 500
You deserved it 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What in all nine circles of Hell brought that on?

bleachedraven 14

weird, but not the worst problem to deal with...dont let their opinion bother you.


What in all nine circles of Hell brought that on?

So you and your husband look alike. I'm not getting the problem.

bleachedraven 14

weird, but not the worst problem to deal with...dont let their opinion bother you.

that's where I bring on my sailor, trucker speak... just saying...