Let it out
By MrTandy - 16/09/2011 02:38 - United States
By MrTandy - 16/09/2011 02:38 - United States
By Anonymous - 31/07/2012 06:42 - United States - Houston
By Anonymous - 07/03/2012 06:46 - United States
By Toast514 - 29/07/2009 23:49 - Canada
By Almost Fired - 15/08/2019 12:00
By Username - 28/02/2011 16:26
By retail hell - 12/07/2015 13:11 - United States - Waterbury
By bl3ur0z3 - 30/09/2019 00:01
By DarkSerebii - 05/06/2014 15:16 - United States
By Bad employee - 28/06/2023 11:00 - United States
By I hate my job - 23/12/2014 08:14 - Canada - Delta
This is my every day, but I knew that when I took the job. I have fifteen minute conversations with people about their lack of sewerage, PTSD, death, structural damage to their house...
Well I mean you did ask the question , some people see it as a free therapy session I suppose. Would have been funny if the next customer you spoke to had a stranger story "next!" "how are you?" " my wife and I are splitting up after i found her in bed with...." (OP thinking.... Why do I work in a counselors office) lol
Days like that make us all look forward to work huh?
That is what you get for asking people how they are. If you don't want an answer, don't ask the question. Asking as a formality how someone is doing is not polite, especially if you are not prepared for an honest answer. It is rude. All you people in the service industry need to stop asking that question.
It's common courtesy, jackass.
It's bullshit bro, I've always said it's not what you know it's who you know. And I promise that's true bro especially on base
I could be taking a nap and the boss would be like what you doin an as long as your witty you're good like say I'm standing around and the boss walks in and asks what I'm doin (off record I need another beer lol) I tell him we just finished what we were working on and am about to put it up so they watch the place I'm at, so I'm goin over the fence and sword fighting idk if you good but try it out there's a winners pot so it's work it especially for you Ben you are like abnormally strong for that small of a guy granted I'm tall but small as hell I can play hoops but football is more my thing
OP, I can relate to this post. Now some of the rest of you have not had the pleasure of working retail, so let me break it down. Customer comes in, we ask how they are and if there's anything we can do to help. Expectation: that the customer will ******* spit out what they want already so we can get them the hell out and help whoever is next. When you give us your bullshit life story concerning things not related to the job, it gets frustrating. When we ask how you are, it's a formality, to be polite. Also, to ensure the best customer service possible, customer: DON'T come in five minutes before closing and take your sweet ass time. We have lives. *stepping off of cynical soap box now*
Thing is its not polite to ask as a formality. Don't ask if you don't want an answer. I've worked retail for a few of the jobs I've had and you do get stuff like this. But you cant just walk away in the middle of talking to somebody without saying anything. They deserve being written up for just leaving the customer.
Uh, no shit, Sherlock. Who said that OP walked off without saying anything? What if they excused themselves to help another customer, and the guy just got huffy about having to shut up about his meaningless story? If you know anything about retail, then you know that customers don't know what they want or what to do, but most customers do understand the socially acceptable way to respond to a greeting. A good aspiration for any customer: to be the kind of customer they would want to help.
You deserved being written up. If you don't wanna know the answer don't ask the question in the first place. And you can't just walk away from s customer that is talking to you and not expect any repurcusions.
Pretty sure I've been there for a while. I work retail right now as it is. So I know what it's like to have those customers but as boring as it is to listen to them if you asked the question and they are giving you an answer you gotta listen. If you need to leave to help another person you need to explain that. You can't just walk away.
He doesnt have to ask how are you. There are other questions you can ask. Are you finding everything alright is a much better question shows you are trying to help without getting to personal. As for the mod thinking I'm dumb, who cares? He sits around and plays guitar all day.
Hey ghost, not only are you wrong (I also work in retail and that's where I get my info from) but you're arguing with the mods. Have some respect; some places require you to say a certain thing while others do not. Just because YOU experience one thing doesn't mean it's the same for everywhere and everyone else.
Anal tearing?
*sob* and my poor wife *sob* *sob* and my children are gone and... NEXT PLEASE!