By iPhonekid - 27/05/2012 07:19 - United States - San Antonio

Today, I texted my friend and asked her what her sad status on Facebook was about. She texted me back, saying her step-mother had passed away. I tried to reply with "awwh" but my phone autocorrected it to "ahaha." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 481
You deserved it 7 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Autocorrect at its worst. Explain yourself quickly before you're the biggest jerk ever!

To be honest if you were a good friend (close enough to ask her what was wrong), you probably should've called her. Or at least text back something a little more sympathetic rather than just 'awwh'.


Damn you autocorrect, you peice of shut

Mother ******* auto correct, at times it great. On other occasions, u think: GOD DAMNIT!!!

When did the word 'awww' had an 'h' at the end?

Ever thought of deleting your post?

BlackBlazeCobra 16

It probably wouldn't have autocorrected if you didn't put the h in there.

I honestly do not like auto correction. Sorry this happened to you.

TheKirs10 10

You deserve it! Who replies "aww" when a friend tells them their step mother died? A phone call should have been made. Unless you friend is Cinderella, which I'm sure she isn't, then that bitch deserved to die but you should have called.

omg send that to ellen's segment .. its called clumsy thumbsy and people send in their conversations that autocorrect stuffed up.. btw im sorry for your friend :(

You definitely deserve it. It really is not that difficult to proof read a text before sending it. I have difficulty believing that any 'autocorrect fails' are real, because you really would have to be a special kind of dumbass to not notice something so badly wrong.