By iPhonekid - 27/05/2012 07:19 - United States - San Antonio

Today, I texted my friend and asked her what her sad status on Facebook was about. She texted me back, saying her step-mother had passed away. I tried to reply with "awwh" but my phone autocorrected it to "ahaha." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 481
You deserved it 7 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Autocorrect at its worst. Explain yourself quickly before you're the biggest jerk ever!

To be honest if you were a good friend (close enough to ask her what was wrong), you probably should've called her. Or at least text back something a little more sympathetic rather than just 'awwh'.


Hakaan 10

You can turn off autocorrect...

Oh man. Though I'd have responded with, I'm sorry--if you wanna talk give me a call. XX

memyselfandI07 1

I don't get why people always complain about auto-correct. Can't you just switch it off? Atleast thats what I did to mine..

Freaking autocucumber saves the day again

I know what to do, make a sentence that makes no sense to prove how bad autocorrect is. The awkward part is, it's helping me to avoid typos in this comment

Funny how people complain about auto-correct...Then turn it off, if you don't want to turn it off because it's faster that way. Then at least re-read what you wrote before sending to avoid these kind of things. But that sucks OP.

Gotta love autocorrect! I always double check before I send because stupid auto correct changes the whole meaning of a sentence by changing one word!

Well a more heartfelt response would have been much better anyway. she will understand, but you really should have replied better in the first place.