Love is sometimes just love

By Anonymous - 22/07/2024 05:00 - United States - Anaheim

Today, I was looking for proof that my dad’s much younger girlfriend is just a dumb gold digging slut looking for a payday. Turns out she has a PhD, owns her own home, and makes six figures. So what’s she doing with his old ass? FML
I agree, your life sucks 76
You deserved it 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

esmeeisme 1

So, your dad is a golddiger…

Looks like your Father is smarter than you thought.


esmeeisme 1

So, your dad is a golddiger…

How old is old? How young is she? How much would you lose if she were a gold digger? If the difference in ages is less than 20 years, you may want to modernize your concepts of old.

Looks like your Father is smarter than you thought.

Women are attracted to the stability that an older man brings to the table. I am married to a woman who is an Attorney, as well as a CPA and has an MBA also. I am a blue collar guy. She is obviously not a gold digger and is very beautiful. Our age gap is significant, numerically. Our marriage, not my first, is fantastic. My friend, I hope that you can be happy for your Dad and wish them both well.

Fully agreed with your points. OPs dad's GF is apparently in her mid to late 20's to have the advanced degree. The question is what is OP afraid of losing inheritance-wise. Or that he still is not pleased that dad isn't with mom or is replacing a deceased mom....

Do you hate your father? Maybe his girlfriend can see some positive traits besides just his old ass (although some people are into that, too). Maybe he is hung?

This is an FML for your dad to have such an awful kid.

So you went looking for reasons she's not good enough for your dad but then convinced yourself that she's too good for him? Do you honestly think your dad's money is the only reason someone could love him?

maybe she....get this....actually enjoys his company?