Lovely Rita

By Greg - 29/08/2020 05:01

Today, I went to lunch with a friend in her car. I told her to park in a lot that had signs warning that we'd be towed, saying, "They never tow anyone from here. In fact, if you get towed, I'll pay for it." When we returned, her car was gone. I had to pay $145 in cash to get it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 445
You deserved it 3 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jojimugo 20

Your mouth wrote a check that your pocket had to pay.... Good job on keeping your word


jojimugo 20

Your mouth wrote a check that your pocket had to pay.... Good job on keeping your word

She must think you're a parking idiot, and next time, you can go park yourself.

Nah, he paid for it. A shitty friend woulda said “well oh well”

I bet you speed through active school speed zones too thinking the cops won’t pull you over? You got yourself into that buddy...hope you learned your lesson.

I hope she's been a friend for a while, because this is a hell of a way to reveal you're a dumbass. And I hope you paid for lunch, too.

kujiens101 24

From my experience in America, if it just says “parking for pick up only” then you can park there. Most other places will tow you