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By Marie - 17/10/2012 05:16 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, it was my two year anniversary with my boyfriend. As we were about to exchange gifts, he got a call and said he had to go home immediately. What was the emergency? His guild leader couldn't find another healer to finish a raid and promised my boyfriend gear if he would step up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 171
You deserved it 4 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gree_fml 11

Sounds appropriate. Have an anniversary raid together!

SenselessPattern 12

They level up their....enchanting? Buh dum tss....


lVluse 15

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Simple, We game with them. and enjoy it. In my opinion, the best kind of anniversary I had was when I was playing my favorite game with my boyfriend.

SenselessPattern 12

They level up their....enchanting? Buh dum tss....

fromthesuck 8

It used to be that people got bad with the games cause they couldn't get girlfriends. Now they can't keep girlfriends cause they still prefer that lifestyle.

20, please rephrase that. It makes no sense.

I mean my boyfriend does the same thing. I just don't care because I know it's something he enjoys doing. I would be offended if he did it on our anniversary but if it makes him happy and less stressed out, fine by me.

We'll see where you stand when he enjoys doing the waitress from the diner down the street because it "relieves stress"

Why would anyone want to play a game where you are on call/have to ask for the night off? Turning gaming into a damn job would take the fun completely away

silbot 11

Hey! Mop just came out, everyone needs the gear badly. Jk, your boyfriends an ass.

Darkmagic666 9

She was talking about with gaming not cheating

Well, they may just very occasionally play, when they started dating and only recently become obsessed. And if you're in a relationship, it's not worth dumping someone over a game, unless it starts to totally control their life. Usually though, it is absolutely fine to play such games. Leaving his anniversary for a game however, is a step to far. Definitely talk to him about it. Good luck, OP! :)

I assumed you never played the game seriously.

#7 i agree, I spent my anniversary playing League of Legends with my boyfriend and it was amazing! unfortunately, this only works if the boyfriend takes into consideration the girlfriend's feelings. obviously, this one didn't, and that's the reason for the FML. not every girl will just go "oh, sure, go play your game!" when he's supposed to be spending time with her. the least he could have done was invite her, if he was going to play anyway


This man has his priorities straight.

I agree with 7 and 174. My bf and I are living proof - couples that play together, stay together ^_^

#191, unless, of course, they end up being a lot like a rapist, and you have to stay as far away as state borders allow... ingame dating as a first precaution is always good. you can see what they're like, and then decide if its serious enough to continue, or break up.

peithecelt 28

they find girls who like men with manual dexterity and an imagination.....

gree_fml 11

Sounds appropriate. Have an anniversary raid together!

Bullshit. That's not appropriate. I may be the main healer and my bf is main tank, but don't think for a second that I give them my phone number. If its my night off, they can suck it up. Honestly OP, vent crash their asses. His guild should be more considerate, I assume they knew. I tell my guild in advance 'hey, its my anniversary, find a fill in'

wlddog 14

Maybe he did it because OP was making it a terrible date. I know that when i have my womans full attention i wouldnt even answer the phone. But if she is being bitchy, rude, boring, or any number of annoying things i would fake an emergency as well.

Zoh_Aubrey 8

He just chose between his girlfriend of two years and a made-up game with random strangers on their anniversary, that's appropriate to you?

priceyfml 7

I've given my phone number when I was main heals

Glitterhinoceros 14

To be fair...I'd do the same thing....gear doesn't come easily (also, stereotyping wow players/rift players/mmorpg players as girlfriend less Virgins is a tad stereotypical...

Hiimhaileypotter 52

You would rather play a video game than hang out with your girlfriend? 0.O

Ks22 4

You would rather play a video game than do your girlfriend?

CharresBarkrey 15

Stereotyping is stereotypical? Ya don't say.

You're one of "them" aren't you? Oh wait, that would be stereotyping. Oops.

You'd do the same thing on your anniversary? How very, very sad of you. Maybe someday you'll learn how to prioritise your life and how to respect people, especially the people you love.

Seriously? Benlop, I may be a hard-core raider myself. But I'm not going to forego a night of epic sex for a new trinket. Example; one of my raid nights was on an anniversary, I took the night off.. (normally I'm main healer) and they did heroic LootShip, I lost the abacus that I'd been waiting for because I wasn't there. Do I regret it? **** no, my relationship will be around longer than WoW, and will be a lot more fruitful. So yes, that stereotype is MOSTLY true. What chick would want to stick around for that? My bf knows better than to go raiding on a night we have planned together. We come first, game second.

What 42 said, sex before gaming....but I guess you could game while having sex...or just have sex be "the game"....your choice.

DatRealAssTruth 3

Not really yall r all gay play a real mans game like COD

The manliest thing in CoD is Price's beard. That's pretty damn manly but it doesn't make it a "real man's game". It's a run-of-the-mill shooter and not much more. Really, the only thing special it has going for it is Nazi Zombies and that's not even in every game.

A real man would also know how to spell.

His comment was probably deleted for the homophobic slur.

TwiztedYuri 9

I'm a huge gamer but when my gf wants to hangout or do something games go off to the side... to me is rather have a happy gf then some gear that I can get later. sex is much better than any game in my books

Getting a good girlfriend is harder than getting gear. :l

3- It's not really, the stereotype some of us are considered with, it's the very fact that when you have a girlfriend you have to work on dedicating time to them. Not passing up something important like an anniversary with your girlfriend for free game equipment. If I was the girlfriend, I'd be so pissed, it's only one day a year & you can't sacrifice a game for that special day. Not only are you not valuing your girlfriend by neglecting her, your not even appreciating the special moment with her. Some nerdy guys out there deep down would be willing to lose out on games to have a girlfriend. Be grateful, if she's still there. Not to many girls would put up with guys who don't care about the things that are important to them. It gets so old.

You can't get any good gear yet with mop out.

Love the WotLK refrence when trying to prove a point. 1. Theres been a few expansions. 2. Lootship was named as such, because it was almost impossible to **** up. Was basically free gear. (

Pallywhack 4

I've raided with vodka for several years, and in 2009 moved to Blood Legion. My life has ALWAYS come first. You don't need to live on the game or put the game before more important things in order to be successful in it; that is the mistake/misconception of most of the players. Want to be successful in life and all you do? Balance. Your. Shit.

peithecelt 28

as a gamer who is also a woman - I respect raids and good gear, but dude, seriously? on your anniversary? you will deserve the dumping that will follow.

iarefatal 9

He called him and not me!? I'm a way better healer! I'm going to have a word with Sir Vanudant when we next meet.

How can you say you are a better healer when you have no idea who OP or OP's boyfriend is, or for that matter their stats on the game?

deBlob - Its called a joke, friend. Look up "humour" in the dictionary.

iarefatal 9

Defended by DocBastard, thanks.

PhishloverA 14

deBlob, it's called a joke. Take one. Someone doesn't know how to detect a joke in the form of typing or texting. Get a sense of humor.

iarefatal 9

Unless the hoes have no clothes.

It's Bros over hoes Not bros over girlfriend Like ops boyfriend did

The1CalledGOAT 11

Damn, here i am thinking it is "bro before hoes" and it turn out it is "bros over hoes", that shatters my entire universe ( ._.)

You sound like a very nice girlfriend. Your boyfriend is a lucky dude.

Ks22 4

I guess someone's not getting laid tonight.

Mirageg450 3

But someone is getting raid! Haha

Right???? Like OmG!!! BrB, I'm gonna go have some CoD for lunch. LoL.

BunchieRules 31

103 - I'm surprised you didn't get the World of Warcraft reference, considering that's what the FML is about.

128- I'm surprised you didn't get the sarcasm, as that's what my comment was about.

krylonpony 3

I only understood Call of duty and League of Legends. Gentlemen, I am done here.

A dead relative is an emergency. Your house on fire is an emergency. Bleeding from your neck is an emergency. Needing a healer for a raid? Not so much.

Do you have anything positive to say ever? Stop trolling FML and do something nice for someone.

Schizomaniac 24

Dear god, 98, get a grip. It's a comments section. People will comment. Seriously, there are few things more annoying than someone replying to a comment to personally attack someone. I don't even like the guy and I found your post to be extremely annoying. For the future, if you don't like a comment, thumb it down and move the hell on. It'll prevent people from filling the comments section with stupid shit like this to tell people to shut the hell up.

98, Perhaps you should take your own advice

chriswright1888 10

That's probably what I'd do. If I had a girlfriend. So I do it for nothing anyways.

Don't expect to have a girlfriend anytime soon with that attitude.