Major annoyance

By E.B. - 27/06/2014 00:07 - United States - Grenada

Today, I'm a college student working at Dollar Tree. The signs hanging every 10 ft, plastered on every box, every wall, every corner, say "Everything's $1." Someone asked me how much something was, because there was no price tag. This happens multiple times a day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 973
You deserved it 4 871

Same thing different taste

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I think the confusion comes from places like the Dollar General which sounds like a dollar store but isn't. Plus people don't read signs.

You need to get some flashing neon lights. Sometimes 1,000 signs hanging everywhere is just not obvious enough.

rawrgasm19 15

I have a friend who, literally every time we go to our local Dollar Tree, asks me if I know how much something is... No matter how many times I explain it to him, he doesn't realize everything is a dollar...

Maybe they got confused with the "unless marked differently" thing even though there was no price tag.

Well to be fair, I have seen some things at dollar tree for 50 cents, but that's rare. Otherwise everything in the store is a buck.

ironik69 31

I completely understand! I was an assistant manager at a Dollar Tree a couple years back. Some people just aren't very bright.

I used to work at a Dollar Tree, too. I heard the same question, day in and day out. Some people are so oblivious. So glad I got out of retail.

I've actually been to couple of "dollar stores" where it claims to have everything for a dollar but when you cash out, some items are 3-4 dollars. so it doesnt hurt to ask, but i can see how annoying that must be for you to keep getting asked the same question.

That's insane! It's almost as if your job is customer service and answering peoples questions!