Major annoyance

By E.B. - 27/06/2014 00:07 - United States - Grenada

Today, I'm a college student working at Dollar Tree. The signs hanging every 10 ft, plastered on every box, every wall, every corner, say "Everything's $1." Someone asked me how much something was, because there was no price tag. This happens multiple times a day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 973
You deserved it 4 871

Same thing different taste

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Welcome to the world of retail in America.

Welcome to retail.. Where you have to put up with people's stupidity with a smile on your face.

I wonder how many of them were simply trolling you, OP.

You're always going to encounter stupid people no matter what you do or where you go. You could go around and put a price tag/sticker on every single item in the store and still have people coming up saying "how much is this" or "is this really only $1". No matter what you do, you can't avoid it. It's understandable in some situations where people may want to double check the price incase it may be misplaced but in this situation people are just being incredibly stupid. You can never win in retail. Just bite your tongue, smile and imagine them tripping over or something embarrassing happening to them as they walk away to try and relax yourself a bit. Good luck OP and to anyone else working in a job where you encounter idiots like that every day.

darlingdollie 24

I know how you feel OP. I work in retail and people constantly ask me "how much is this?" when the price tag is on the item. They're just too stupid to find it.

It's stupid of a customer to assume you know the price of every item in the store, plus what products are on offer. I work at a massive store and people come up and ask me prices of things or whether it's on offer. You just want to shout at them to look at the label or scan the barcode on the scanners around the store because there is no way a customer assistant can possibly know how much every item costs.

Didn't you know ? We're walking talking robots, not human beings. We're supposed to keep a constantly updating catalog of crap in our brains.

It's kinda part of your job... To deal with customers. :/

Not knowing how to read and being stupid are not the same thing. Not everyone is the same and not everyone has the same education. Also some people might not be sure because dollar stores usually have things priced under a dollar... or they sell soda which includes CRV tax, bumping prices up a LOT. I understand being annoyed about having to answer the same question multiple times, but this isn't a classroom where everyone is supposed to pay attention the first time you say something. Each individual customer might have different reasons for asking or double checking. I understand some people ARE simply lazy, but that isn't always the case. Its good to be patient and polite just in case, because you never know someone's situation.

At least they're not asking if you're $1 too.

When they walk in just say welcome to dollar tree, everything's a dollar

Many people come across things in dollar stores which they have trouble believing is being sold for only $1. They assume that the "$1 Everything" tag line is only a persuasive generalization rather than the actual price.

Say 2$.Pocket 1$.Get rich.Everyone is happy