Major red flag

By notpregnant - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Italy

Today, I woke up with a pillow under my t-shirt. Turns out my boyfriend wanted to "see if I would look hot even when pregnant". We've been dating for three weeks now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 980
You deserved it 5 371

Top comments

wannabesinger 16

If you've only been dating for 3 weeks then why are you already sleeping together?

and you're not ashamed of calling people like him "boyfriend"? and you sleep together after a 3 week relationship? god.


And you're already sleeping in the same bed?

least he thinks he is thinking about a future with you

snapdragon1100 7

If you've only been together for three weeks you should not be sleeping with him. That's suuuuper slutty.

Really guys? Judging an adult for sleeping (not necessarily sex) with another adult? The majority of you must be in high school, because that's casual dating for many women. As far as I'm concerned two consenting (hopefully single) adults could screw without knowing each others names and I could care less! As for the girl stating "Hurr you're sleeping with him you should accept the responsibility of pregnancy" where in this did it say she's pregnant? I'm pretty sure the FML revolves around how creepy it is that her boyfriend might possibly aim to knock her up after three weeks.

Well if you have only been dating for three weeks then u shouldnt be sleeping together...****. Js

Luckyyy... Wish I could find someone who wants to knock me up. I mean, I'd be creeped out for sure, but flattered.

only 3 weeks and yet you're sleeping together. So....