Major red flag

By notpregnant - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Italy

Today, I woke up with a pillow under my t-shirt. Turns out my boyfriend wanted to "see if I would look hot even when pregnant". We've been dating for three weeks now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 980
You deserved it 5 371

Top comments

wannabesinger 16

If you've only been dating for 3 weeks then why are you already sleeping together?

and you're not ashamed of calling people like him "boyfriend"? and you sleep together after a 3 week relationship? god.


MamaC_fml 0

So he thinks that the only change you would undergo while pregnant is a bigger belly? OMG is he in for a rude awakening should he ever be committed to a pregnant woman. Ah, what they don't teach you in sex ed LOL!

Mabster84 2

Who the hell cares LONG you've known him. Obviously, from what you're telling us now, you had no idea what his personality consisted of. Maybe if you only get to know someone that little in such a short amount of time, spending time sleeping with them is a bad idea too... Mine had "figured out" that I was "the one" on our first actual date out. I was a little distraught about that at first and decided that if it got too creepy I would simply let him go. But as we dated, I got to know him better and better every day. I knew him well enough before sex. Maybe that's why everyone is so hell bent on determining that you were too soon into the relationship to have sex? Maybe our underlying realization is that you didn't know him, and therefore YDI for feeling so weird about the situation. So uh... yeah YDI.

LMAO at stupid people who argue about stupid shit that DOESN'T EVEN MATTER. yeah, you're all sooo cool. get the hell off FML and go get lives. stop arguing over something that has no real life merit. geez

If arguing about an FML makes you stupid, what does arguing about people arguing on FML make you? ;)

tfiggs 0

So......... did you look hot pregnant or not?

Mabster84 2

And uh... Just what do you think you're doing on here "arguing"? Quite obvious you don't realize the validity of what the argument is about... Just how many illegitimate children do you have 156?

dramanerd08 5

If you are in bed together after only three weeks you are asking for it.

wtffamily 0

did it occur to any of u that maybe shes been dating him a long time before they became officiouly boyfriend and girlfriend and its about her bn freaked out over her boyfriend seeing wht she looks like pregnant not her morals or what she does with her life. I mean seriously thats sad.

I think it's fairly obvious that the "FML" is about "we've only been dating 3 weeks and omg he's already thinking about kids". And it's definitely a YDI for sleeping with him after only 3 weeks. What sort of people date for ages without being boyfriend/girlfriend?? And if she had been... then it's still a YDI.

The only way this could be an FML is if they've ONLY been dating for 3 weeks and she's weirded out that her boyfriend is thinking about pregnancy. If (like you stated) they've been dating for a long time, (especially if they are also having sex, not just sleeping) then why is she getting freaked out by her boyfriend wondering about the future? YDI.

Uh, LilaBear? Plenty of perfectly normal people date for a while before becoming boyfriend/girlfriend. Waiting to put the label on (or deciding to never do so) is a perfectly legitimate decision.

youthink_fml 0

He got a pillow under your t-shirt without waking you up? Bullshit.

YDI for being such a *****.... why would you sleep with someone you've only dated for 3 weeks???? again YDI....i hope you do get knocked up, then maybe you'll learn your nasty hussy.

@192: Twinklestar has as much right to comment here as you do. Feel free to debate if you wish, but please don't tell fellow commentators to "shut up". Thanks.

"Make me"? Seriously? You write other posts so well and rather eloquently, but all you can say to this guy is "Make me"? I'm disappointed.

Why would I bother with anything more when addressing someone who thinks telling someone to shut up on the internet is going to work?