Manage your expectations

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 4 years asked my dad if he could marry me, and my dad agreed. He then tells me that he's not going to propose for maybe another year at least, he "just wanted to get that out of the way." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 607
You deserved it 3 776

Top comments


Time to consider a not-so-ahead-thinking replacement, huh? ;)

BeautyMonster 17

Instead of waiting a year to propose, you could be engaged during that time and actually planning the wedding. I can see why it's on FML. A wedding doesn't take a day to plan. They've been together for four years already.

BeautyMonster 17

actually plan the wedding* This is what I get for typing at 4am.

Yeah but in saying that, she knows it's going to happen so if she really wanted to she could start planning it now... Just saying

BeautyMonster 17

It takes two to plan a wedding.

faysophie 2

He is kind of assuming you are a given and just waiting on the glorious day he deems fit to propose. I would tease him and say don't dilly dally someone else might beat ya to I t. Bring out. The hunter gatherer in him he got far too comfortable.

You might pressure him a little to give you that engagement ring to you sooner than a year. A lot of things could happen in a year that might make him get tired of you. Or you might dump him. He sounds like he is still not sure if he wants to marry you.

Makeeasweet25 0

He going to break up with you soon.

:( I hope the best for u two maybe u can convince him to propose sooner oui?

perdix 29

Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free? After 4 years of free milk, I doubt there will be a sale. Hopefully, you liked being milked ;)

Not really a big deal. He wants to marry you, but not right now. He's taking inititative. You can wait one more year, can't you? He could also currently be having some trust issues with you, and seeing if you really are trustworthy. He's not a jerk.

steelers112 3

So what do you care. Be patient at least you know it's coming in a year.