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Middleschoolers these days…

By Anonymous - 19/12/2022 00:00

Today, my son told me he wants to be a cop or enter the military when he grows up. Why? "Cops get paid to kill useless members of society" and "Only the military can stop communism." FML
I agree, your life sucks 910
You deserved it 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See if you can get into contact with deradicalizing organizations in your area. They’ll know where to start with this, because I sure as heck don’t. I’m so sorry, and I wish you the best of luck.

YouTube algorithms feed progressively right-wing rhetoric to young men. i can hardly stand watching shorts on there due to this. One second I'm watching kitten vids, the next it's andrew tate or some equally disturbing garbage. It's a parents job to combat this brain washing. Get better at being a parent.


See if you can get into contact with deradicalizing organizations in your area. They’ll know where to start with this, because I sure as heck don’t. I’m so sorry, and I wish you the best of luck.

With thoughts like that they won't let him in. He should try the Oath Keepers or the Proud Boys with such deranged ideas as those. He'd fit right in!

I didn't know cops got paid to kill cops. That's progress.

To be honest, this creeps me out! Unless son grows up, he thinks that it’s OK for cops to kill “useless individuals” which is usually code for people not like him. God knows we don’t need any more corrupt and sadistic cops like that! And if son thinks that the US military is likely to fight “communists” now he has no idea what he’s talking about. There are only three communist countries left - China, North Korea, and Cuba. The Russian Federation is not communist. There is little chance our military would actually be fighting in Cuba and God forbid that an actual shooting war would outbreak between the USA and China or North Korea (or Russia). The USA has not fought “communist forces” since Vietnam and that was a nearly 50 years and a few wars ago… (1) Son might be young and naive and watched too many old war movies or Dirty Harry movies or he is exposed to some truly awful people. I am almost afraid to ask - Does Dad or grandparents believe these things? If so there is the source of the problem… (2) Son is also sadly lacking in empathy of people not like him. Usually this is something taught by parents or religious teachers (though some of the true religious nutcases are just as lacking in empathy). He needs to understand that just because a person has a different skin color, cultural origin, or sexual orientation does not mean they are any less valuable as a person than he is. Not understanding this is potentially a sign of some disturbing personality disorders… Mom, obviously this idiocy didn’t seem to come from you. I hope that son is still young and open minded enough to learn both empathy and the difference between old movies and real life. In the meantime keep a close eye on how he behaves towards small animals and who he is associating with - in person or online.

YouTube algorithms feed progressively right-wing rhetoric to young men. i can hardly stand watching shorts on there due to this. One second I'm watching kitten vids, the next it's andrew tate or some equally disturbing garbage. It's a parents job to combat this brain washing. Get better at being a parent.

ODBeefalo 10

while I find a distaste for police as a whole easier on the day to day, not ALL cops are shitty. the shitty ones are just better for headlines. talk to a local precinct and look into one of them talking to your son, most cops probably see it the same way many people do "too many cops are shitty, but some are working really hard to fix it". TBC I have have bad run ins with police as a child, innocent teen and later as a teenager committing a misdemeanor and being slammed against a cruiser, cuffed so bad it looked like I was cutting myself, and another officer came to court to point out his partner was way to rough for what happened that nights. so mixed feelings overall

Let him join the army he will get a wake up call and the professionals can straighten him out.