Mind your own business

By Anonymous - 20/06/2013 00:13 - United States - Lees Summit

Today, I was at the airport when I saw a woman drop her bags and run to her husband. Thinking that someone might steal them, I picked up her bags and brought them over to her. She thanked me by slapping me, calling me a bitch and calling security. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 582
You deserved it 5 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Any nice deed that is done now is seen as a crime...it's so sad.


DrownedMyFish 18

FML has taught me a lesson. No good deed goes unpunished. There is a chance you can get mugged, knocked out with a pan, slapped in the face or called a pedophile or a pervert.

Well, I wouldn't see the point of posting fml when everything's alright. Thus, the only stories you see here are those that finish badly for the Good Samaritan :)

Well, you are one of the people that restored my faith in humanity. Then she made me lose it.

Maybe keeping an eye on them would have been a better idea, OP. I can see why picking up someone's bags without their permission (even if you're doing it as a good deed) might freak some people out. Especially at an airport, where people are already tetchy and in bad moods. :(

CallMeWindSock 24

People like her are the same people that would've stolen unattended bags in the first place. Don't worry, OP, you're the better person!

WhisperSoflty 20

How can you possibly make that kind of leap? Really. She doesn't want her unattended bags touched, so she would steal someone else's unattended bags? Huh?! That makes no sense.

Dusty_Busters 15

No good deed goes unpunished, don't let this stop you from being a good person OP.

I never understood why people become so overcome with emotion they shed their belongings, run to the person, then get upset someone stole their shit. You left it unattended in an airport, when security is still on high alert for unattended bags. Best to rush to your husband, then drop your bags when you are beside him.

Not that I think you deserved to get slapped but why touch her bags at all? She knowingly dropped them and probably would go back there and retrieve them (where she put them) after hugging her husband. What she didn't expect was to have her stuff touched at all-- by a thief or anyone else for that matter.

She touched her bags because she was trying to do her a favour. I would have done the same thing, in an attempt to be nice. You say "She knowingly dropped them and probably would go back there and retrieve them (where she put them) after hugging her husband. What she didn't expect was to have her stuff touched at all-- by a thief or anyone else for that matter." Right, by a thief. OP was trying to prevent a thief (or airport security) from getting to them. They probably wouldn't have been there to retrieve after she was done. BESIDES, haven't you ever been in an airport? Unattended luggage is a safety problem. Plus, it's pretty inconsiderate to leave your ******* luggage in the middle of walkway where people are trying to catch a plane. You're an idiot. FYL, OP.

Idiot? Too bad you can't attempt to be nice commenting also. Sorry. I just don't want anyone to touch my stuff.

You should have called security on HER. You don't drop your bags in airport and run away.

kim_larsa 5

Should've took her stuff and pawned her valuables honey.