Mind your own business

By Anonymous - 20/06/2013 00:13 - United States - Lees Summit

Today, I was at the airport when I saw a woman drop her bags and run to her husband. Thinking that someone might steal them, I picked up her bags and brought them over to her. She thanked me by slapping me, calling me a bitch and calling security. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 582
You deserved it 5 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Any nice deed that is done now is seen as a crime...it's so sad.


Again, this is what happens to people who do nice things

I'd have had the security guard give HER a ration of shit about unattended bags- and assault for slapping you. You weren't in the wrong.

This is why niceness in people Is going away because of scumbags like her

Talk about being ungrateful, sheesh. -___-

Why do such people have lovers? Seriously

You're not supposed to touch other people's luggage

bob226 7

times like this you learn to not care about others. .... And people why I'm a socio path

wow some people just cannot take kindness very well.Like if he/she was trying to steal the bags why would the "stealer" go up to the lady???? This bitch has some problems.

Where I come from they call that assault. Press charges.