
By fuck - 18/03/2015 17:40 - Netherlands

Today, I went to the store to buy some condoms. I couldn't find them anywhere, so I nervously asked a staff member for help. She scowled, pointed at the shelf directly behind me, and told me to, "Get a life. Or better pick-up lines." I'll never live down the snickers from the other customers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 776
You deserved it 4 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Please, don't flatter yourself" *picks up the condoms, pays for them, and leaves*. Hey don't let them get to you. You're the one that was getting some that night not them :P don't let her comment ruin your good night and don't let a comment like that demolish your confidence.

giantsfan2010 23

She sounds like the one who needs to get laid!


SydLovesLacey 18

Sounds like bitch needs to get laid.

A possible explanation for this is that she gets creepy, suggestive comments a lot and so has come to almost automatically assume that everything that could be interpreted as a creepy pick-up line, IS a creepy pick-up line. I'm not saying that this excuses her rude and unprofessional behaviour at all, but it's a possible explanation of it.

Seems like a lot of people tend to assume that things that obviously aren't come-ons are. "What time is it?" "I HAVE A BOYFRIEND" "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT AND A HALF ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP STATUS I JUST WANT THE DAMN TIME"

RockRoyalty92 12

Hello! Snappy comeback! "Pffft, not even in your dreams!" Then, the embarrassment would have fallen on her for being a conceited bitch!

I hate those kind of persons who thinks their belly button is the center of universe! What a bitch! Sorry for you OP!

report her to store management don't take that

Aye, do the sensible thing and file a complaint. Her job should go to someone who actually treats the privilege of having work, and customers, with respect.

"Insinuating I'd spend any money to have sex with you." Then walk off.