By Anonymous - 18/03/2015 15:02 - Australia - Mangerton

Today, while camping, I was given the sex talk, along with visuals created with marshmallows and a roasting fork. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 575
You deserved it 3 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kallian_fml 21

I wish you'd given us more detail, OP, my imagination is terrible!

I really want you to re-enact this, film it and give us a link. Sounds hilarious. :P


Kallian_fml 21

I wish you'd given us more detail, OP, my imagination is terrible!

Soft, melting, milk chocolate between the sweet sticky marshmallows pillows and graham crackers. Mmmm. I mean, I'm sorry..

I was sitting here trying to figure out how that played out... and then I read # 9s comment.

Kallian_fml 21

Damn it #9! Now I don't know if I'm hungry or horny...

Just picture what the melted marshmallows represented.

The marshmallow melts in satisfaction as the red hot roaster penetrated it and made it immediately sticky. As the marshmallow is slowly turned in different positions, it gets closer and closer to finishing. And when it's done, it leaves a white sticky goo on the roaster, and if done properly, the inside of the marshmallow. Is that enough detail for you, or is it still not enough to paint a mental image?

Kallian_fml 21

That was beautiful #22. Does marshmallow **** exist?

SystemofaBlink41 27

I am so sure it does, if you look hard enough.

RedPillSucks 31

I really want you to re-enact this, film it and give us a link. Sounds hilarious. :P


Was the marshmallow on the fork burning in fire for premarital sex?

Well at least the person giving the "talk" wanted to make sure you were educated about safe sex!

Is it weird that I want marshmallows now?

That depends on what you want them for...

What a consenting man and marshmallow do is their business.

One way or another you are going to eventually learn about it

lizabethp 11

That's hilarious and hopefully you will feel the same eventually. Though I understand now how awkward it was but may be useful.