
By Anonymous - 05/10/2022 02:00 - United Kingdom - Aldershot

Today, I was jogging and was about to pass a woman ahead of me. I called out I was passing so she wouldn’t be scared. She waited till I was right next to her and pepper-sprayed my eyes while screaming, "Rapist." The cops were there in less than 5 minutes, and even though I was blinded, they still handcuffed me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 538
You deserved it 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not sure about the UK’s criminal laws, but it seems like a certain woman needs to be sued and arrested for assault and battery.

Invest in a GoPro while running....just like a dash cam....it'll save ya.


Not sure about the UK’s criminal laws, but it seems like a certain woman needs to be sued and arrested for assault and battery.

wear sports goggles while jogging next time, but definatly press charges

If this was in the US probably not worth it to sue. Once the media goes public with this people will wonder if you really did rape that women...got to get those clicks.

Hopefully there is CCTV in the area to back up his story. But if there is, sue her to oblivion.

So, you made a pass at a woman and she pepper-sprayed you? You need to work on your pick-up lines. "Do you come here often?" is drab and cliché, but it's a start that won't get you chemically assaulted.

Invest in a GoPro while running....just like a dash cam....it'll save ya.