Moving day

By Anonymous - 11/09/2015 18:49 - Canada - Brampton

Today, I told to my girlfriend of 5 years that I'm depressed about having no friends, no job and a difficult family life. I told her that she's the one constant that keeps me going. She decided this was a good time to break up with me to "find" herself, since I was being so mopey. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 359
You deserved it 3 846

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's so sad reading all these FMLs of people with relationships of years and the other brakes up due to the other being depressed, or losing their job etc. I'm sorry op

Try and join a group where you can talk about your problems. I'm sorry for you but she sounds like a bitch.


OP you have to fix yourself before you can get to an emotional state for a romantic relationship. Maybe she understood that, maybe she was just insensitive, but either way now you can work on it.

This time apart will make this worse I believe

Man up. Life hasn't even begun to **** too yet.

Epickitty58 29


Yea my boyfriend of 2 did the same thing. I feel you guy. I'm sorry.

Wow. What a see you next Tuesday, the one person who should be there to confide in was too weak to be the one for you. Keep your head up OP. You'll find the right one.

Time to man up and do something about it. take responsibility of your life get a job and maybe you will some friends.

If she can't handle you how you are then she doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone who loves you for you and helps you through shit

As someone who's been in your ex position before that is a lot to put on someone...she could have been nicer about it, I'm still friends with my ex and have support him while he works through it. But people have their own stress and problems to deal with...the point of a relationship is for two people to support each other not for one person to carry the burden of giving support and not getting it...hope it works out for you.

You need a counsilor, not a girlfriend; you cant rely on someone to make you happy, only you can do that