Moving day

By Anonymous - 11/09/2015 18:49 - Canada - Brampton

Today, I told to my girlfriend of 5 years that I'm depressed about having no friends, no job and a difficult family life. I told her that she's the one constant that keeps me going. She decided this was a good time to break up with me to "find" herself, since I was being so mopey. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 359
You deserved it 3 846

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's so sad reading all these FMLs of people with relationships of years and the other brakes up due to the other being depressed, or losing their job etc. I'm sorry op

Try and join a group where you can talk about your problems. I'm sorry for you but she sounds like a bitch.


This adds more to your list of mishaps OP. Bounce back OP, live life. Try not to dwell on yr failed relationships

SuperMew 22

It is likely that she was planning to break up with you anyways, but decided it was time when you put that pressure on her.

Sk8brdmenace 17

Girlfriends and sprinkles are for winners. And well.....

Tbh - and I'm not saying that you deserve it, BUT it is a lot to put on her shoulders. Even after five years. You cannot expect her to solve those problems, you've got to do that. Maybe you could've asked her to sit down and help you come up with a plan to get a good job and perhaps join a group to help you make social relations. I bet she loves you, but if you have no friend etc, maybe she feels that the time and energy she's put into your relationship has cost her a large part of herself and she needs to rediscover who she is as an individual. As a person who's been in your place, I promise it will get better if you work for it.

Badkarma4u 17

That sucks for you OP but I dont know if I can blame her. This is her life too and perhaps YOUR emotional issues are degrading the quality if HER life. Having a partner who is down in the dumps can cause you not to want to come home. it can cause your life to deteriorate and your family and freind relatiomships to suffer. It sounds like she may have done herself and you a favor. Now you can work on yourself and your issues before involving someone else in your life. The fact that you have no friends, no job and a difficult family life, says more about you needing to fix your life than it does about her being a bad person. Now you have that chance.

It is not her job to make you happy. Only you can change your life. If you don't have friends then go find some. Look for a job, and realize that families aren't perfect.

You need to realize that no one wants to hear that stuff(no matter how much you want to tell them) and the only person who will tolerate it is a therapist because they get paid to. Also, I'm in the same position as you but I don't give a ****. One day I will probably get my act together and get a job but people are dicks so I wouldn't care if I wen't through my whole life without making another friend or girlfriend.

My bf is the same way. Bad anxiety and depression, but he's only just now getting help for it. I've been with him for 4 years but truthfully, hearing about his problems all the time just makes me miserable. Especially since it's been ongoing for years and refused medication and therapy. I don't blame her at all, she's probably tired of being so bummed out all the time.