My brother, the doofus

By AshlynnPrime - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Owensboro

Today, I was watching TV when my sister-in-law called me, laughing. It turns out my brother got his head stuck between the bars on the stairs. Again. My brother is 29. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 358
You deserved it 3 220

Top comments

Some people like to keep their inner child alive.


Well, let's just say when he's not at the bar, he's stuck between them.

ninjuh_wingman 29

He's reliving his childhood. An uncomfortable part of it but still part of it.

He's just used to sticking his head between things.

I used to yell at my brothers like that up the stairs... Worked like a charm back then.

for a 29 year old, that's pretty weird tbh.

Anyone else get a flash back of their sibling. (Or self) getting their head stuck ?

I got my head stuck in the steering wheel of my dads car one time. I was also locked in the car because my parents lost the keys.

#26 your comment kinda made my night I'm sick in bed and this made me laugh so thank you.

"Again." and "...this isn't the first time..." are redundant. How is this scenario an FML moment for you?