My eyes! My eyes!

By ihatemylife - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to remind my roommates of the importance of wearing clothing at all times in the common living area. My roommates are my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 914
You deserved it 6 209

Top comments

sexymexybm 0

'My roommates are my parents. FML' enough said...

BrunetteHottiie 0

Maybe OP is underage, stupid.


jayraye 0

SAme thing happens here!! I share your pain!

blacklite69 0

I'd take that as a great big hint to move the hell out.

twoCrow21 0

like the old saying goes if you find your parents are dancing in the nude without an drugs in their system be sure to find the nearest opposing sex and get busy because the world is coming to an end!

Professor59 2
megdwhite 0

YDI for referring to your parents as your roommates and their living room as the common living room. Doesn't matter if you're underage, that's just weird.

Maybe you should move out.. Or stop trying to make yourself feel better about living with mommy and daddy by calling them your roommates(:

So I'm just curious, have they always been like this?

Um, they aren't your roommates, they're your parents. It's much more likely that you are above 18, still living at home, than your deadbeat parents moved in with you. Therefore, YDI.