My eyes! My eyes!

By ihatemylife - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to remind my roommates of the importance of wearing clothing at all times in the common living area. My roommates are my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 914
You deserved it 6 209

Top comments

sexymexybm 0

'My roommates are my parents. FML' enough said...

BrunetteHottiie 0

Maybe OP is underage, stupid.


ydi!! why are you even still livig with your parents?!

**** your life for living with your parents and calling them your "roommates"; you must be that guy from "Grandma's Boy". Personally, I think that they walk around naked so you would get the **** out and let them enjoy the rest of their life.

If I was one of your parents, I would probably scream "NEKKID TIME!" at random moments throughout the day and dance around naked just to annoy you.

newsgit 0

all of you who say "ydi for calling your parents roommates", the OP doesn't really call her parents her roommates. It's a delivery things. Come on, you know it sounds better than "today, I saw my parents naked. FML."

newsgit 0

ALSO, if you think that the OP shouldn't complain about her nude parents because "we were born naked" or "Their house, their rules," remember: Yes, we were born naked, but we got clothes. and also, if the OP is underage, the parents really shouldn't be exposing themselves to their kid. I'm not saying they were doing it intentionally, but they probably shouldn't be ******* out in the middle of the living room.

Your was at attention wasn't he.. I would traumatized.

Soooooo Posted like two weeks ago...TOTAL FAKE!!!