My eyes! My eyes!

By ihatemylife - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to remind my roommates of the importance of wearing clothing at all times in the common living area. My roommates are my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 914
You deserved it 6 209

Top comments

sexymexybm 0

'My roommates are my parents. FML' enough said...

BrunetteHottiie 0

Maybe OP is underage, stupid.


From the way it is written, it seems like the place might be commonly rented, n if it is, n if OP is paying her share of the rent i think its really unfair of her parents. I have a friend who lives with her dad in an apartment where they both pay the rent and the rule is that neither of them can have sex or go prancing around naked in the common area . Even if it is the parents' place, n the idea is to make OP move out, I think they can find other less disgusting ways, like discussion.

You deserved it. Do you have a sweet car bed? Are they buying you a radio and sweet rims for Christmas?

thetr00per 0

that's a double FML right there

invisiblerabbit 0

YDI for being a prude. humans were born naked. also you REALLY deserve it for calling your parents your "room mates"

You really consider it prude to expect people to wear clothes in your company? :/ Come on, wouldn't you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable hanging out with your naked parents in the living room? Also, not replying to you invisiblerabbit, but maybe she and her parents bought the house together? I see it a lot, financial crisis and everything. Not everybody has the money for an entire house to themselves. If that's the case, at least she's paying for it too. It's as much her house as it is theirs.

BikerMike 0

I guess you do not like your father hanging out with you?

"room mates"....That's some Grandma's Boy shit

remember....NOBODY...has the touch your swimsuit areas!

Oh c'mon, let's be honest, who HASN'T seen their parents naked at least once?

yes you do! you where in your dads testicels and your moms ******..

YDI for living with your parents still.

"Why are you naked in my house!?" "Why aren't you?" "I hate to admit it, but I like your style."