My favorite letter is L

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my 8 year-old niece and I were arguing over how many letters were in the alphabet. Guess who was right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 107
You deserved it 51 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how you managed to find this website, figure out how to submit your story, and type it in, is beyond me.


btw, in Denmark we have 29 letters. 28 actually, we dont realy count in W. We also have æ, ø, and å. ha! btw, in Denmark we have 28 letters. we don't count in W, and we also have æ, ø, and å. ha! we've got more than you do!

You're an idiot.. Denmark has had 'W' for 30 years. How can one not know how many letters there are in their alphabet?

because they are educated in their public school system???

Question: In Britain, the ones we call 'public' schools are actually private; the free ones are the state schools. Is it the same in America, or do you call state schools public?

lmfao dude if you dont actually know that, ill tell you that here in America public means public and private means private.

cursesonyourmom 1

"Question: In Britain, the ones we call 'public' schools are actually private; the free ones are the state schools. Is it the same in America, or do you call state schools public?" in the U.S. public schools are like you're state schools. private schools cost extra money, and are not as popular. we also have various religious schools but as i never went to one i'm not sure how those work (in the money sense)

Mirequetz 6

I went public > private > religious. The public was free, private cost a buttload, was female only and had uniforms, religious cost money (because it's not government funded) but no uniforms and it was unisex. There were 3 religious schools where I grew up, all cost money.

Actually in Britain 'free schools' are called public schools and 'paid schools' are called private schools, so I don't know where you got your information from.

Well in Narnia we have 63 letters with such as Ꮿכץ ילד ᎦᎭᎹᏣ שקטרᏄᎫᎣᎣᎭᏌᏑᎣᎧᏜᎹᏓᎭקםךצסחח

No X? Then how do they sign their letters when they want to be mysterious?

GiRIsMakingCupca 0

lol I wasn't even sure I had to count them on my fingers

amberceleste 0