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By Noname - 10/03/2009 15:46 - United States

Today, the kids I teach informed me that I had spelled my name incorrectly on the board. I looked at it and assured them that I had spelled it correctly. I'm 22 and a graduate student, they're six and mentally challenged. Guess who was right? FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 231
You deserved it 69 577

Same thing different taste

Underfunded and underappreciated

By lrn2spel, teach - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Mogadore

Today, I got back the essay I wrote about how my country's education system is fucked. At one point, I made a spelling mistake. My teacher wrote a note about it, basically calling me illiterate, and telling me to pay attention in school instead of whining about it. She misspelled "school". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 064
You deserved it 4 685

Top comments

WTF? How does ANYONE spell their own name incorrectly and still get it wrong when checking it over?

never underestimate those little rascals lol


Them? :) OH cool. Maybe ur mentally challenged too.

To be honest, ur is probably more accurate than your. At least you are getting the u as in you, and r as in are. "your" is just stupid. If you're going to correct someone, do it right. Seriously...

WTF? How does ANYONE spell their own name incorrectly and still get it wrong when checking it over?

no he said it was right to save himself the embarrassment.

I doubt it... Your eyes play tricks on you, and for mentally challenged kids it's instinctual fir them to pay closer attention, so don't feel. bad.

digitaljunky 5

The author is a girl not a guy

bassguitar19 1

#2-- are you offended from this? thats just sad. this is suppossed to be funny, how could this offend anyone? O WOW he thought his name was spelled right when kids thought it was spelled wrong OMG IM SO OFFENEDED. okay seriously, if you were offended from this, you need to loosen up

well op is kinda makin fun of people with mental disabilities and #13 probably is close to someone with a mental disability

xxhardbitchxx 2

Ok, OP is obviously not making fun of children with mental disabilities, she is a Special Needs teacher for shit's sake. It takes someone with loads of patience and give a damn to teach these kids.

How does anyone spell their own name wrong :|

You say you assured them it was correct, does that mean you let them think they were wrong? That's mean! Here they have the confidence to speak up, they notice a mistake, and they're shot down and left confused? Poor kids!

I doubt he/she did it to hurt the kids... ur eyes can play tricks on u.