By yosmurf - 11/06/2019 00:01

Today, my son proudly announced to me that he has been learning to cut out shapes at school, and that he'd cut out some ovals and wanted to show me. He showed me the pictures of Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson and Jackson and their corresponding bills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 868
You deserved it 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27 exactly did he get ahold of your money? Having children I never leave that just laying around.

manb91gb 15

And they say you can't put a price on education...


50% of the bill is all you need, then you can go into any back and ask for a new bill. If its less than 50% then you will have to mail it in. I do it all the time with bills people are going to throw out and ask if I can have it.

If you have over half of the bill (and have the pieces all together) then you can take them to the bank and they will replace your cash.

That's a federal offense! Tell him he can go to jail for that! Bet he'll never do it again. :D

1. Take the bills to the bank. Get your money back. 2. Provide construction paper for cutting. 3. If anything other than construction paper gets cut, no dessert for the night.