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By Anonymous - 10/08/2013 04:02 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I got a call from my son's kindergarten teacher. Apparently my son asked a girl to marry him. After she said no, he stabbed her with a fork. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 776
You deserved it 6 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess you need to fork over some cash for a therapist


jogihoppa8343 23

jokes are no longer funny if told twice.

assassinbanana0 20

I wouldn't say told twice rather than told every single time in a relationship FML

soupermeal 10

people need to stop saying this it's already been a shitty joke since 2010

euphoricness 28

Jokes can be used as much as possible as long as they pertain well to the subject, and in this case, 1 did very well!

Eh, it was the best comment I could come up with after spending a long, sleepless night on the interwebs.

That is a terrible comment. First of all, enough with the Twilight bashing. Second of all, it is NOT okay for a kid, or any person of any age, to stab someone with a fork. If this is how he reacted in kindergarten, what will he be like in high school, when he might actually be mature enough to go on a date? If anyone would even do so for a reason other than fear of being stabbed. OP, I hope you majorly disciplined that son of yours with a pop on the ass, revoked privileges, and a time out at the minimum. Tell him that isn't okay no matter what the circumstances. Just...ugh, kids these days disgust me, and so does the lack of parenting.

#1, That is a terrible comment. First of all, enough with the Twilight bashing. Second of all, it is NOT okay for a kid, or any person of any age, to stab someone with a fork. If this is how he reacted in kindergarten, what will he be like in high school, when he might actually be mature enough to go on a date? If anyone would even do so for a reason other than fear of being stabbed. OP, I hope you majorly disciplined that son of yours with a pop on the ass, revoked privileges, and a time out at the minimum. Tell him that isn't okay no matter what the circumstances. Just...ugh, kids these days disgust me, and so does the lack of parenting.

Normally, I'd just roll my eyes at this joke. But, somehow, it works.

I think cyanidesandwich clearly wins this round by a landslide. I don't think we even have consolation prizes for the other contestants (namely 98/100), other than this voucher for a free attitude adjustment.

cho_bee 9

Kids turn out how you raise them

K410 18

Kids say the darnedest things :p

Wizardo 33

#3, I doubt OP has stabbed women after rejection and I doubt it even more that he has taught his son to do the same.

mimiminx 23

So every rapist, murderer etc has their parents to blame?

There's a reason so many parents have to teach little kids to "use your words", most little kids automatically lash out when upset.

K410 18

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Show it anyway

I cut my 'older buddy's' hair when I was in kindergarten, because she wasn't paying enough attention to me... my parents never taught me to do shit like that.

Okay, with your logic #3, your kids will be assholes.

Metal_Chick 15

25-Not particularly but many studies have shown that in the majority of cases these individuals did grow up in "bad homes" and have dealt with "bad parents". I've had to read and write reports on cases that deal with psychopaths and criminals many times, since I am working on my MA for Psychology.

Yes, because every single one of your actions and words are the direct result of how your parents raised you, and there are absolutely no other influences in the world that shape who you are. Valid point

not particularly.... notice he didnt say in all cases. it is in fact nature and nurture. Some kids who are adopted tend to behave very similarly to their biological parents even though they were raised differently. Some actually grow up to be very different than their biological parents. There are a lot of factors involved but there isnt that much of a stretch when he said kids grow up to be like who they are raised, if they see violence at home they will imitate. The kid might punch you in the left cheek instead of the right, but point is they imitate violence. (again.. in A LOT of cases but not all)

PhishloverA 14

Wow #3... Please tell me you're just trolling

flashback.miss 28

FYL? No F that girl's life! Sounds like your son issues, have him talk to someone quickly. Hopefully it wasn't a metallic fork.

At first when I read this FML, I was thinking, "Oh, how cute! He asked her to marry him. That's nice!" And then it took a totally different direction and he stabbed her with a fork.

Today, I got a call from my daughters kindergarten teacher. Apparently my daughter was stabbed with a fork by some lunatic boy who she didn't want to marry. FML

What's with everyone having picture of a creepy eye

#88, these people with terrible eye diseases are too blind to realize they chose for their profile pic an image of their ******* diseased eye. Just... Don't look straight at them. Maybe they'll go away.

#88 it may look like #75's profile picture is of an eye, but it's just soap and water in a sink. Your probably talking about the other picture of an eye which is very disturbing.

#112 Huh. I never looked at it that way. I dont know whether thats cool or just plain creepy #104 haha your probably right but its hard not to look at a leech sucking an eye and an eye that looks like the one from the ring

Guess you need to fork over some cash for a therapist

Grauncho 27

Be prepared to see him in the news when he gets older.

Tough love...if they stay in school together long enough it might pan out...

You never know, it might make for an amusing wedding anecdote.

sioux4 17

Or she could forever hold a grudge against him... Ya never know.

Haha yes it could go either way...although probably not. (I guess I hadn't had my cup of tea when I wrote the above comment, I didn't realise how odd it sounds until now)

"Remember how you got that stab scar in your face, honey? Good times."

Well... Time to get rid of all sharp objects you own and start showing him female respect videos

I think universal respect is more important, but to each their own.

Who said he only did it to girls? He may get in fights with boys too.

He's learning how to treat the ladies young

Practice for when he pokes them when he's older.

zahra_786 19

Let's hope he learns to deal with rejection before he gets older! but don't worry OP, he's young and just needs to be told whats acceptable and what isn't.

DyslexicPanda 12

He did deal with.. It just happened to be mafia style..