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My way or the highway

By FeckedUpFifteen - 14/10/2021 20:00

Today, it’s my birthday. My family tradition is that whoever has the birthday chooses the dinner. I chose pizza, but my older sister had a tantrum, complete with throwing my phone at the wall, breaking it, saying she wanted Chinese instead. My parents ordered Chinese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 853
You deserved it 88

Same thing different taste

Top comments

george1986 7

return the "favor" on her birthday.

If they can't control your sister, they should have ordered Chinese for her and Pizza for you, then the rest eat whichever. I mean, its your BIRTHDAY!


george1986 7

return the "favor" on her birthday.

Yeah, throw a tantrum and demand Chinese on her birthday! That'll show her!

don't forget the break your own phone part

Sounds like everyone could have handled that situation better. You need to be the bigger person and help keep the peace. That's what growing up is often about.

If they can't control your sister, they should have ordered Chinese for her and Pizza for you, then the rest eat whichever. I mean, its your BIRTHDAY!

WVYankee 17

Wait?!? People get their birthdays celebrated?!??

What a dysfunctional family! Sister has primary responsibility for her actions, but your parents have the responsibility of having raised a little monster. Their caving into her tantrum only ensures more of the same in the future. Some day you will be out of the house and this will just be a bad memory for you. But unless she does some serious growing up in the future, all of sister’s future relationships are likely to be tainted by her immaturity and unwillingness to control how she acts out her emotions. Sister owes you for your damaged phone and it’s the parents job to insure she makes good on that. What kind of food is eaten is nothing compared to the damage sister did! And I assume that OP and sister are young so likely it was the parents who paid for the phone that was damaged and who will likely get stuck with the cost for repair or replacement so they should have had extra reason to not allow this to happened.

I am so sorry that is so shitty. Happy birthday though.