Needy baby

By nosleeptilpissoff - 18/03/2011 15:54 - United States

Today, I have a cat with separation anxiety. By this, I mean whenever I go in another room and shut the door with her outside, she uses her head as a battering ram to try and break down the door. It's fun trying to sleep too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 414
You deserved it 6 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hmm. Lock her in a separate room, with a cushion or pillow attached to it. She'll headbutt the pillow. :P

ilovepoppa 0

You're mean... just let her in.!


Julia1254 0

My cat did that too he would ram his head into the door when he wanted to come in

my cat does the same thing! you arent alone!

oooKiLLaHooo 0

I hate it when people try to sound witty and/or clever when writing their FMLs. usually happens on the last sentence. and 100% of them are whites. I'd bet a good amount of money on that.

missmadii 0
SLP9008 0

My dog cries and howls when she isnt in the same room as me and my fiancé. If we leave, even go outside, she sits by the door howling very loudly as if we abandoned her. Dogs are not much easier than cats..

chris2065 0

wouldn't your cat knock it self out or stop after a while?