
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Whittier

Today, I realized how truly insecure I really am when the guy in the show I was watching looked straight into the camera and I immediately looked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 248
You deserved it 5 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sierra7211 17

Breaking the fourth wall makes me uncomfortable too

I wouldn't look away but actors looking straight at the camera can be awkward, though.


SystemofaBlink41 27

Is it just me or does this FML sound familiar?

Don't feel so insecure OP! Everyone is beautiful in their own ways!

kamryno 22

Why did people vote this down she's saying something nice

Next time they look at you through the screen. show em who's boss! give them a roundhouse kick to the jaw or a solid punch to the temple!

Get some confidence!! You should feel great about yourself!

Show the world your war face and let them all know you're here for the long haul. Confidence starts as a decision and becomes a lifestyle.

Everyone has to be confident with themselves at times I just can't watch television because everyone is seemingly perfect

I would have had a staring competition

XBurytheCastleX 25

I am the same way. While I was watching 'the (un) real lives of courage my love', the vocalist opened the fridge and they put a camera on top of her cake... So she looked directly into the camera ands pet it. I looked down too lol.

you really need to go out meet and people..