
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Whittier

Today, I realized how truly insecure I really am when the guy in the show I was watching looked straight into the camera and I immediately looked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 248
You deserved it 5 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sierra7211 17

Breaking the fourth wall makes me uncomfortable too

I wouldn't look away but actors looking straight at the camera can be awkward, though.


Don't feel bad. I can't even stand looking a pictures in which the person is looking at the camera.

It's also at times awkward when that happens in Attack On Titan. But I'm sure you'll overcome it.

Watch Phil in Modern Family and you'll understand.

toxic_walrus 15

I have definite seen this exact post elsewhere before

Jason_Echeverria 6

Hahaha. I've done that too! ???

I do this regularly while watching the tele. :/

middlenamefrank 8

It's a simple human reaction that works at a far lower level of consciousness than your realization that he's just an actor on a TV screen. But maybe you can use it to your advantage. Flirt with people onscreen instead of being intimidated by them. There's a level of pseudo-reality to movies/TV shows that might allow you to exercise your self-confidence until you can use it in real life.

I do that too don't worry :) its pretty intense when they stare right at you.