By Kristie - 03/07/2024 12:00 - Australia

Today, I went on a blind date. Everything was going great until I laughed so hard at one of his jokes that I snorted, choked on my drink, and accidentally slapped his face while trying to cover my mouth. We didn't order dessert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 330
You deserved it 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now that's clumsy! Just how? If the date went well, then this will be a story you laugh about. YDI

how do you accidentally slap someone across a table while reflexively trying to cover your mouth?


Now that's clumsy! Just how? If the date went well, then this will be a story you laugh about. YDI

how do you accidentally slap someone across a table while reflexively trying to cover your mouth?

Was he sat on your lap or something? It's a pretty big swing to slap someone in the face, whereas bending your arm at the elbow to cover your mouth isn't that far at all.