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Nice of you

By Anonymous - 30/07/2010 04:26 - United States

Today, I threw a party at my girlfriend's house before her parents came home from vacation. After the party, I found all of her mom's favorite wine glasses broken. I spent $500 on new glasses, and wrote a huge apology for the party and the damage. She got home and told me that they were already broken. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 076
You deserved it 38 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smashing party! ;-) Next time don't do something you shouldn't have and then you won't find yourself caught short when you try cover it up.

perdix 29

You owe them much more than that for busting their daughter's hymen.


ur a nice person for buying her new glasses and telling the truth about the party =D

Why'd you have a party at your gf's parents house?

at least you tried? you showed you were willing to apologise for causing damage, sucks that you're out $500 though

it's funny because u spent a lot of money on new glasses but the old ones were already broken

At least you were honest enough to do that. Some people would just hide it and hope they didn't notice.

cantfightfate 0

you could have replaced the glasses without mentioning the party...just saying..

You just showed her mom you are a class act. She should be very impressed with your maturity. A man of honor you are. We all face the choice between what is right and what is easy. Be of strong character and choose wisely. Stand for honor or fall for evil.

TaylorTotsYumm 10
Averizzle 0

Hell yea he got that from some movie

xileWabbit 0

at least now she knows you're an honest guy and can trust you :D and has new wine glasses xD

iLoveMyLifeJizz 0
Arsonnist 3

With great power comes great responsibility. Good job op.

I'm confused. Why would they keep the broken glasses lying around?

linx468 8

Well, at least you did something nice, eh?

Iowa123 0

Yeah, you did a good thing... but how do you know they were her favorites I they were already broken?

Iowa123 0

I mean 'if' instead of the 'I they were already broken.' So yeah. Don't start nagging me about it, I'm on an iPod Touch.

That the glasses were broken doesn't mean they lost their characteristics, they probably had a special feature and were easily recognizable.

14- ydi for being on an iPod touch. (jks. I am too.)

#13 & #14: YDI for misspelling something on purpose just so you could blame your Ipod Touch, thus subtlely bragging to everyone that you have an Ipod Touch. YDI for using Apple products.

ymmot_45 0

yo do u always tell ppl they spell shit wrong

this troll guy is really annoying. he does that on every fml

ymmot_45 0

he is saying that the person is braging about an Ipod which I don't under stand becausei am useing one right now and i feel it's not something to brag about espesaily when u don't know how the person got it. I'm not rich and I got mine from hard work so I won't brag about the fact that I have one but the fact that I deservie one. I also like to point out the kid so only saying shit because he is insucure about him self in some way.

ymmot_45 0

lol like I said he has a problem but who doesn't like me I hate spelling so I do it my way but math I get 90's.

Hahaha, I read it like that the first 3 times too :p

ymmot_45 0

who doesn't, like me I hate......

zerobahamut03 2

bad trolls are good trolls. ba da ba ba ba I'm luvin' it! lol

ymmot_45 0

ya like I said not so good at english class, sorry

My post wasn't really about his misspelling; it was more about the current trend here for people to blame their misspellings on an Iphone or an Ipad or and Ipod Touch or some other Apple POS. It's almost like they misspelled their word(s) on purpose JUST SO they could indirectly, but somehow still smugly, brag about their shitty electronics.

yeah itouchs correct correct spelling and have back space you moron

guckylynn 19

Too many people have iPhones and iPod touches for it to be something to brag about.

Android ftw! Haha android phones are way better than iphones!

Yung23 0

Smashing party! ;-) Next time don't do something you shouldn't have and then you won't find yourself caught short when you try cover it up.

Yes, return the glasses to the store. I'm sure you already went through great enough lengths to show the parents you hold yourself accountable for your actions :) I'm sure that counts positively for you

lmfao!!!!! that's just to funny. At least they got new wine glasses out of the deal.