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By strangeprincess - 09/09/2019 16:00

Today, I had to put my cat to sleep after she was in an accident. While I was crying hysterically, the vet asked me for $230. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 897
You deserved it 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yall arent seeing this the right way, from the way this sounds they asked her to pay right after the cat was put down, while she was crying, they could have at least gave her a little time to process what happend

As sad as it is, a vet clinic can't function without funds.


As sad as it is, a vet clinic can't function without funds.

Ours had us pay in private while they were getting our cat prepped so afterwords we could just be with her and not have to worry about that

You can't expect your vet to do euthanasias for free, just because they're sad. Turns out that vets commit suicide at twice the rate of the general population and financial problems are a contributing factor. Sorry that your cat died, but do you want your vet to die, too? Of course not, so suck it up and pay your bill!

I’m sorry :( I’m sure you understand that the vet has to charge for their services, but surely they could’ve given you a little while to mourn first. Your cat was lucky to have you!

yall arent seeing this the right way, from the way this sounds they asked her to pay right after the cat was put down, while she was crying, they could have at least gave her a little time to process what happend

LostSoul 19

The vet asked me to pay before they would put down my cat that was electrocuted.

The animal had to be put down due to an accident. Do you want the vet to leave an animal screaming in pain while the owner arranged pre-payment, to spare the owner having to pay while crying? There's no good time to have to pay for emergency euthanasia. It's not the vets fault, or their job to know exactly how to treat each individual. Some people want to pay quickly and get out before they break down in tears and will be upset if the vet "makes them wait." Some people want to focus on details to keep the emotion at bay and will get mad at a vet for "condescending to them" by being too touchy feely. Others will be crying off and on for hours and there really isn't a a mourning space at most offices. Poor vet can't win. They get blamed for helping animals and needing payment.

thehaystackerine 20

I had to put my beloved cat down a couple of years ago. They had me to pay as soon as I walked in. Then they put me and my cat in a room equipped with a call button, and told me to take as long as I needed. after a half hour, I hit the button, they gave her the shot, offered me their condolences, left us alone, and let me take my time leaving.

Seems to me like the “right” way to do it. Sorry for your loss. Having a cat myself I can’t imagine the pain you must have gone through :/

I had to put my dog down last year. I feel you on this. while I was crying my eyes out after putting my dog down from an animal attack, the vet kicked me out saying they needed me out and room for people to come in.

Had the same happen to me when I had my dog Pts. Handed me a tissue while asking me for payment 😔 sorry for you loss

I'm so very sorry. Ending our fur babies' lives is always very difficult to handle. 💜❤️💙 to you.

I've never been to a vet that didn't ask for payment right away. You'd be surprised how many people will skip out on bills.