Nice try, Karen

By munchkin77 - 15/12/2021 20:01

Today, as a pizza delivery driver, I delivered to a customer with young kids. She gave the pizzas to one of her kids to take inside, where the kid dropped them and it went everywhere. She then rang the store and claimed that I'd dropped the pizzas, then told her to "suck it up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 107
You deserved it 88

Same thing different taste

What just happened?

By Danny is pissed - 01/12/2024 00:00 - United States

Today, after a bad week I ordered a large pizza, ready to binge-watch TV. The delivery guy shows up, I hand him the cash, and he left without giving me my pizza. Exhausted, I watched him leave, like a confused puppy. I called the pizzeria; he'd left the pizza somewhere else, and couldn't re-deliver it because their driver was "done for the night.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 520
You deserved it 160

Top comments

Who told whom to "suck it up?" The kids should be sucking up the floor pizza. During a pandemic, the Five-Second Rule is suspended because any "germs" that come from the floor are nothing compared to the virus. I'll bet you got a generous tip for that delivery!

Marcella1016 31

You’d be stupid NOT to suck it up! I heard sucking floor pizza is actually the real cure to the completely fake virus, that the Chinese created, that isn’t that bad, but is also a superweapon developed by the US government to exterminate the masses, and is part of a major false flag operation to control us/kill us/give us 5G nanobots/help the illegals take over/give the minorities more rights/take our guns/abort baby eagle fetuses. Also, gas prices went up and it’s super obvi Biden’s fault. Anyone who doesn’t believe this is a stupid woke SJW SNOWFLAKE SHEEP.


Who told whom to "suck it up?" The kids should be sucking up the floor pizza. During a pandemic, the Five-Second Rule is suspended because any "germs" that come from the floor are nothing compared to the virus. I'll bet you got a generous tip for that delivery!

Marcella1016 31

You’d be stupid NOT to suck it up! I heard sucking floor pizza is actually the real cure to the completely fake virus, that the Chinese created, that isn’t that bad, but is also a superweapon developed by the US government to exterminate the masses, and is part of a major false flag operation to control us/kill us/give us 5G nanobots/help the illegals take over/give the minorities more rights/take our guns/abort baby eagle fetuses. Also, gas prices went up and it’s super obvi Biden’s fault. Anyone who doesn’t believe this is a stupid woke SJW SNOWFLAKE SHEEP.

I mean, if this happened all in real time and you were right there witnessing it all--call and all-- I'd have just taken a picture and left!