Nice try, Karen
By munchkin77 - 15/12/2021 20:01
By munchkin77 - 15/12/2021 20:01
By Anonymous - 02/03/2019 14:00
By deliveryboy - 05/03/2011 15:46 - China
By Cano951 - 16/12/2011 20:16 - United States
By Anonymous - 11/12/2010 07:04 - United States
By pizzagurl - 09/05/2009 04:43 - United States
By Anonymous - 31/01/2015 01:25 - Australia - Brisbane
By Anonymous - 20/03/2025 09:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/11/2010 22:34 - United States
By Danny is pissed - 01/12/2024 00:00 - United States
By pea - 12/09/2011 18:32 - United States
Who told whom to "suck it up?" The kids should be sucking up the floor pizza. During a pandemic, the Five-Second Rule is suspended because any "germs" that come from the floor are nothing compared to the virus. I'll bet you got a generous tip for that delivery!
You’d be stupid NOT to suck it up! I heard sucking floor pizza is actually the real cure to the completely fake virus, that the Chinese created, that isn’t that bad, but is also a superweapon developed by the US government to exterminate the masses, and is part of a major false flag operation to control us/kill us/give us 5G nanobots/help the illegals take over/give the minorities more rights/take our guns/abort baby eagle fetuses. Also, gas prices went up and it’s super obvi Biden’s fault. Anyone who doesn’t believe this is a stupid woke SJW SNOWFLAKE SHEEP.
I mean, if this happened all in real time and you were right there witnessing it all--call and all-- I'd have just taken a picture and left!
Who told whom to "suck it up?" The kids should be sucking up the floor pizza. During a pandemic, the Five-Second Rule is suspended because any "germs" that come from the floor are nothing compared to the virus. I'll bet you got a generous tip for that delivery!
You’d be stupid NOT to suck it up! I heard sucking floor pizza is actually the real cure to the completely fake virus, that the Chinese created, that isn’t that bad, but is also a superweapon developed by the US government to exterminate the masses, and is part of a major false flag operation to control us/kill us/give us 5G nanobots/help the illegals take over/give the minorities more rights/take our guns/abort baby eagle fetuses. Also, gas prices went up and it’s super obvi Biden’s fault. Anyone who doesn’t believe this is a stupid woke SJW SNOWFLAKE SHEEP.