
By mandiballz - 12/01/2010 06:46 - United States

Today, I was saying goodbye to my 5 year-old son before dropping him at my mom's, as I was leaving for two days, and told him I would miss him. He said, "l won't miss you, I never miss you when you are gone." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 802
You deserved it 4 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pipistrello_fml 0

A) he's a kid. Relax. B) It's actually probably a good thing. This way you won't have to ever break him of a homesickness issue when he's older. C) if he's REALLY intelligent, he might be trying to help YOU to worry less about how he's feeling. D) ignore the idiots who reply like he's a bad kid. They have no idea what they're talking about.


He's a kid. A 5 year old. The big deal is?

Thanks for actually having sense. He's far too young to understand the repercussions of his words. In all likelyhood he's mad that his parent is leaving him.

rose12353 0

Kids say the darnedest things.

Awww, he probebly does miss you! He just doesn't want to tell you!

tuboshu1986 0

you are not a good father. your son hates you. why? i think you should take your time to figure it out. otherwise you won't get along very well.

ok, from my experience, i never miss my mom or sister, the kid probably just isnt old enough to have that feeling, i never did, and i still dont, i think its cause he knows he will see you again and that totally nullifies any feelings of missing the parent. so dont sweat it, he still loves you, he still needs you, its just a five year old saying the truth about his feelings

This is almost like the kid on youtube who told his mom he only likes her when she gives him cookies

Grandma probably spoils him when you are gone.

mendel_fml 0

Not a FML. Kids at that age think about what's right around them; if grandma would mention mom or if she called on the phone, the kid would likely miss her then (so best avoid that if you don't want to make grandma's job difficult). It's the way kids are, please don't expect them to be the way your vanity wants them to be. And thumbs up for raising a kid who's not afraid to speak his honest mind.