It's getting hot in here
By cold-n-stinky - 12/01/2010 06:30 - United States

By cold-n-stinky - 12/01/2010 06:30 - United States
By gassygirlfriend - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Nampa
By disgusted - 24/09/2012 19:16 - United Kingdom - Harpenden
By Big Baby - 28/01/2017 00:00
By yoked - 18/12/2009 03:48 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/04/2011 04:32 - United States
By hotboxed - 13/07/2019 18:30
By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 09:53 - France
By Anonymous - 29/07/2012 04:25 - Denmark - Frederiksberg
By roughsexgonewrong - 05/11/2013 18:01 - United Kingdom - London
By steve-o - 14/02/2019 15:46 - United States
Yeah, **** your life.
That wuz pretty dam funny. Lolz and least your warm.
This isn't an FML. Don't take it so seriously :P Your wife was just joking around!
WTF is a threadjack anyway?
wow... you must be scared for life
yeah 106 I'd be pretty frightened too
yeah 106 I'd be pretty frightened too
very much so
I think it's a great line(: very romantic... Until the fart fest..
Everyone farts
Its natural! If my boyfriend did that I'd laugh so hard!
that's called true love
at least you're warm:)
Was about to say that :D
warm and smelly.
So your wife has a sick sense of humor? Not really an fml.
Your fml gave me a boner. That's one H O T wife.
Times are a-changing!
at least you're warm:)